Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Rhema becomes our daily mentor

Wayne Cordero in his book, Divine Mentor, writes how Christ and His Spirit is the best mentor we can find in this life. We have access 24/7 to God’s Word, Christ’s example, and the Holy Spirit’s teaching. Therefore, we must just take time to absorb the instruction that is available to us.

The Word of God as it stands in printed form is the Logos. The truth stands as truth all by itself. But there are times that you can be reading the Word, and it’s like the words comes flying off of the page into your heart. The truth to your present circumstances and challenges becomes crystal clear. Every door is suddenly open and your mind is full of ideas, peace, and certainty. In that moment you are seeing the world through God’s eyes. Absorbing His wisdom. Experiencing the Word as a living, breathing, active force that can change your entire perspective. That is understanding the Word as your Rhema or personal word from the Lord for your life today.

Further Thoughts:

  1. What is your “go to” plan when you need help, counseling, or direction in your life?
  2. Have you ever experienced the Logos becoming your Rhema? Describe.
  3. What is each part of the Trinity’s role in touching our lives with Rhema?
  4. How is it that an ancient writing can be relevant to life and its circumstances today?

Father, I need Your guidance in my life. May Your Word become my Rhema each day. Amen.

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