Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ephesians 6:14a "To Tell the Truth"

"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist...." NIV

Truth has become such a relative term today. It seems that society has suddenly given me the power to make truth anything I want it to be. And what you want it to be. And what my neighbor wants it to be. There doesn't seem to be an absolute truth anymore. And if I there is no absolute truth for our beliefs, then why do I need to live a truthful life if lies serve me better? And the rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper.

But there is an absolute truth. Jesus Christ is still truth even if nobody else believes in Him. Belief doesn't change the truth, only celebrates and affirms it in my life. And I will stand on that truth and living truthfully for as long as I can stand.

Okay, so I sound pretty passionate today, huh? My children know how I feel about truth-telling. They know it's much better to tell me the truth and suffer the consequences than to lie. If I found out they lied, the punishment will be oh so much worse. Our word is our integrity. If people can't trust what we say, how can they ever trust us. Why should they?

The belt being the symbol of truth is significant in a couple of ways. First, the belt is near the loins suggesting intimacy and importance in our lives. Our integrity is who we are. Secondly, for a soldier the belt was used to hold in the robes so they were ready for battle. If we are living a true life, we are ready to face the obstacles thrown at us.

So I choose truth with a "T" and a "t," and I will keep them very close to me. I will daily wrap it around me to hold in all that I am. It will bind my body with His truth to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Further Thoughts:
  1. Where are we first told not to lie?
  2. Where does Jesus say that He is the Truth?
  3. How are truth-telling and integrity tied together? Support with Scripture.
  4. Do we ask others to lie for us? What is that telling them about us?

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