Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ephesians 6:16 "By Faith"

"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." NIV

Imagine the Roman shields of this time. They were about 4 feet tall and a couple feet wide so they basically covered all the vital parts of a soldier. They were metal, and I understand they were sometimes covered in animal skin and then soaked in water or rubbed with alum. Why? To extinguish the fiery arrows! Isn't that a cool image?

Our faith is a complete surrender and trust in the Almighty God. We believe by faith that Jesus is the Son of God. We believe by faith that we have been cleansed of our sin and have the hope of eternal life with Christ. We believe by faith that the Holy Spirit lives in us giving counsel to walk through each day pleasing to Him. And if we stand behind that faith, we are protected from the enemy's attacks. We become impenetrable.

Notice, we can't stop the attacks from happening. The enemy is not giving up. But we can forge through them. Our faith is our protection. That's why we must continue to stand strong and sure in His armor. And even if our arm is tired, we keep that shield of faith firmly anchored in front of our body.

Knowing that just makes my life so much easier. The enemy can't touch me. Do I still face troubles? Absolutely - they come with the territory. But, the key is that those trials never defeat me. I may get wounded temporarily, but I will still stand for my Lord and Master. I serve a purpose that is higher than illness, disappointment, or broken down cars. My calling is above lost jobs, wars, frustrations, and financial failures. It's even higher than rising gas prices. I serve a greater purpose than these earthly obstacles can stop. My vision is wide and high because it is set on the Almighty, and I will hold my shield of faith firmly in front of me at all cost.

Further Thoughts:
  1. Want to know you are not the only one? Read Hebrews 11. Men and women of faith have come before us with troubles much greater than ours. And they were able to stand.
  2. Using a concordance, take some time looking through verses with "faith," "faithful," faithfulness," faithfully." There are hundreds. What ones give you strength and encouragement? Write them down and memorize them.
  3. Has your faith been wavering lately? Why? Where is the enemy attacking? Reaffirm what you believe. Say it out loud. Then stand firmly behind the shield of protection God has given you.

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