Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Romans 4 Fully Persuaded

Read Romans 4

3 What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." NIV
The power of God counting someone as righteous! As David is quoted as saying in verse 8, "Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him." That is righteousness. Our sin is gone as far as the east is from the west, and God remembers it against us no more. What amazing mercy and grace is demonstrated in counting someone as righteous. 

Because you understand, Abraham had done nothing but go where God had sent him when this statement was made about Abraham in Genesis 15:6. Abraham's righteousness even came before the act of circumcision. And this was way before he was willing to sacrifice his son on an altar. Abraham's "belief" was in God's promise that he would be the father of many nations even though he was old and childless. He simply trusted in the power of the Almighty to do as He said He would do. 

I love what it says about Abraham in verse 20:
20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. NIV

It begs the question, am I fully persuaded? And I don't mean in whether God has the power or not. I believe He does. Nor if He will keep His promises. I believe He will. To do otherwise would go against His nature, and He doesn't do that.

But to truly be fully persuaded would mean to live each day completely dedicated to Him and His mission. Am I doing that? Am I living in love for others each day? Am I devoted to study of the Word and prayer? Am I helping the poor, the widows, and the orphans? Do I truly care that people are going to hell? These are the thoughts that make me question if I am living FULLY PERSUADED. I suppose I don't waver in believing in who God is. I waver in believing in who I am in the full scheme of things. Do you?

I know the enemy works very hard to confuse us and to discourage us in our walk as believers in God. Doubt is one of his favorite tools of deception. So I suppose when I am feeling this way, I say:
1. I believe I am loved by God.
2. I believe I am made righteous by belief in His Son's sacrifice.
3. I am fully persuaded that He is able to do all He says He will do.
4. I am His child, a co-heir with Christ, and will walk in His love and by the power of His Holy Spirit.
5. I will do whatever He calls me to do.

This is my creed, and I choose to walk in it today.

Father, thank you for righteousness and that you loved us so much as to make that path even possible. Deliver me from the enemy's lies, and guide me to live out Your love each and every day - living fully persuaded. So be it.

Further Thoughts:

  1. What do you do to combat the feelings of not be fully persuaded?
  2. Read Hebrews 11 about all those who demonstrated faith in amazing ways. 
  3. What is challenging your faith? Write your creed and speak it out loud.


  1. So good! Thanks for this reminder.

  2. It doesn't matter that you haven't blogged lately. Proliferating blog posts is not a virtue. They ought to come only from deeply pregnant thoughts demanding birth. Such is this newborn from you, sister. And I bet the labor wasn't a resisted but welcomed process.

    Your words about Abraham's faith made me think about the difference between rule-keeping (legalism) and true righteousness. There is no law that says to leave kindred and go to God-knows-where. That was Abraham's guidance. Jesus says, "What is that to thee? Follow thou Me."

    This is why, to me, the highest point of spiritual joy comes from God speaking to me. And I believe the righteousness He's looking for in us is our trusting obedience to His personal leading through a myriad of creative ways in sync with His Word.

    The anchor of creeds can keep us static in port. The happy sailor in life obeys when the Captain orders to pull the creed-anchor aboard and hoist the faith-sail to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit. Bon voyage!

    1. David,

      You always make me smile.

      I totally agree with you on the blogging. I don't feel that I have to blog; it's something God has told me to do. Therefore, it is a spiritual discipline in my life. But it is so much easier when I am particularly inspired.

      As to faith, beautifully said. There is such freedom found in our control-centric society to simply go with the wind of His Spirit. However, I never see the creeds as an anchor holding me static in port, but rather the hull of the ship - the framework for all my being on this journey. I personally rely on the creeds to remind me that I am not of this world but in it living for a greater purpose. Wherever that may be doing whatever He calls me to do or be.

      Thanks so much for commenting. I love the dialogue!
