Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ephesians 1:6

" the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." NIV

Grace -- we all want to be given it, but we want to do little to live up to the gift or give it away to others. We enjoy the benefits, but run from the responsibility. Grace was given to us undeserved through Jesus Christ, and yet we act as if it is our right. The question is, does the receiver have a responsibility to the giver for a gift undeservedly received? I believe the better question is, do we value the gift of grace? If we did, love would pour out of us for the Giver. And the changes we make in our lives to line up with a grace-filled life would stem from love for the Giver and a desire to please Him, not out of duty. Duty wears thin12 after time, but love endures forever. And when we truly tally the value of the undeserved grace given us, we are much quicker to afford grace to others. The gift that we keep on giving.

Further Thoughts:
1. Where have we come from and what fruit should people see in our lives now? See Galatians 5.
2. How are grace and humility related? See Romans 12:3
3. Do I have to extend grace to my enemies? Read Matthew 5:43-48.

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