Saturday, June 28, 2008

Matthew 2 "God Doesn't Make Mistakes"

Read Matthew 2.

"...And angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.....And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet...." NIV

I am taken in this passage with the number of prophesies fulfilled and the fact that God directed Joseph through dreams to get Jesus where he needed to be. I love that I serve a God that has everything under control. Even when things seem dire, He's got the plan worked out if I will only trust Him and obey. And He let us in on all of it ahead of time. (Well, not us, but the Jews at that time.)

Here are the prophesies:

  • Micah 5:2 - Shepherd of Israel to come out of Bethlehem, Judah.
  • Hosea 11:1 - The Messiah would end up in Egypt.
  • Jeremiah 31:15 - The death of two-years-old and younger boys.
Herod didn't know what he was up against. He tried to be sneaky and using the magi find out where this opposition was. He tried to have Jesus killed. But God was one step ahead of him all the way.

And then there's Joseph. Just in these last two days I'm growing to really love and respect this guy. We always hear about Mary, but look at Joseph. He's the hero of the hour. He obeyed the dreams and saved the Savior. And those dreams made absolutely no sense. He's told to leave with his 2-year-old son and wife and travel about 130 miles into Egypt. I'm assuming they had donkeys, but that would be all. And that's just to get into Egypt. We are uncertain exactly where they went, so they probably traveled further than that. Then after another dream, Joseph takes them back to Israel. But in a third dream, he is warned not to go to Judah. Instead, they head for Galilee which puts Jesus in the city of Nazareth as the prophets told us it would be. Now, Nazareth was at least another 80 miles past Bethlehem. So to come back, Joseph, Mary, and the young Jesus traveled at least 210 miles by donkey. I don't like traveling 210 miles by car. What dedication and commitment to where the Lord was leading him.

I want to be like Joseph. I want to listen intently to the Lord's directions. I want to obey without hesitation or second guessing. I want to be in the very center of God's plans. Joseph was part of something so much bigger than himself, and he knew it. So he had to follow the Lord's leading. And God had it all planned to happen just as it did.

Lord, I know you have all my life under control. I don't want to miss a step of it. Speak to me, Lord. Tell me where I am to go and what I am to do. I want to be in the middle of your plan and never step out of it. Thank You for being trustworthy and holding me in the palm of Your hand. I love serving You.

Further Thoughts:
  1. Do you trust God with your life? Are you walking in obedience. If not, why? List what's in the way. Then read and meditate on Proverbs 3:5-6.
  2. Sometimes we face difficult roads. Jesus did. He knew that he would have to suffer and asked the Father if maybe it didn't have to be this way. But then what does Jesus say? Read Luke 22:42. Lord, help me to face difficulties with the same obedience to Your will.
  3. Read Jeremiah 29:11-13. Thank God for His plans and surrender control of your life to Him.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jerolyn, This is Lisa Wight's mom, Kristen. I discovered your blog through Lisa's and have been reading/studying frequently. Thank you for your insights and faithfulness!
