Monday, October 27, 2008

Matthew 20:29-34 "Cry Out to the Lord"

Read Matthew 20:29-34.

"....they shouted, 'Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!'" NIV
When was the last time I sincerely cried out to God for His mercy? And I don't mean because I can't find my keys and I'm already 10 minutes late. I mean really needed Him immediately. I'm sure it was in a moment of complete frustration and hopelessness. It was probably a time that I had tried every other avenue possible, or it was where I had no control over the situation. I called out to Him in last resort desperation because I had no other recourse.

But these men weren't calling for Jesus because they needed food, although I imagine they were probably beggars. And yes, they did have a huge need -- they wanted to see. But they tenaciously shouted for Jesus because they believed He could help them. Even when the crowd tried to stop them, they wouldn't be silenced. They needed the supernatural power that only Jesus could provide, and nothing was going to stop them from asking the Son of David for help.

I'm blessed to have good eyes, but I should never stop crying out to the Lord to give me sight. I need Him to open my eyes to the needs around me. I need Him to direct my every step and my every word so that I am doing what He would have me to do. I want to serve Him as He would have me to serve. And the desperation for Him to intervene must pour forth from the depths of my soul. I cannot do anything without His hand upon it, and I cannot be the person He would have me to be without His healing touch.

Only the Master can transform me into Him image, and He waits for me to ask. But I don't have to shout. He's always as close as a whisper.

Further Thoughts:
  1. The Psalms are full of David crying out to God. Read through them and see exactly what David is asking of God?
  2. Look up Scriptures for "call," and "cry." "Shout" is another interesting word. Read what we are supposed to be doing with our shouting.
  3. Do you need a miracle from the Master? Do you need guidance and direction? Call out to Him first, not as a last resort. He is waiting to hear from you and wants to show you mercy.

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