Wednesday, March 18, 2009

1 John 4:7-5:21 "The Recap"

Read 1 John 4:7-5:21.

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear." NIV
Yes, I am covering a long passage today, but most of the end of John's letter is a recap of all the beginning. Obey His commands and walk in the light; God loves us; we love God and one another. Jesus is God's Son, and His Spirit guides us in the Truth. If we love God and believe in Jesus Christ, we have confidence at the time of judgment. If we live in love with the Trinity, we have nothing to fear in the life to come. Our future is secure. We have hope.

With the uncertainties of today, so many people who were living for the moment or at least the gratifications of this life are floundering. They had placed such hopes in money, jobs, position, possessions and the permanency of it all. The philosophy reigned, "I work hard, I'll make more money. The more I make, the more I can invest in the money market or in land and possessions. The more I invest, the happier I will be in the here and now and secure for the future." That idea and false hope has fallen flat. Now, when you take these temporal pleasures away, what's left?

That's not to say that believers are not suffering with the economic crisis. We see people hurting every week from lost jobs and homes. But for those who believe, although disappointed, they can live in the hope of the Father's hand and a future not built on capital gains, but on a life walked in His light and an eternity in His presence. We will face troubles and discouragements here, but this is just a temporary home. We are made for so much more. 

Further Thoughts:
  1. What do the Scriptures say about our security in our salvation? (Living without fear.)
  2. Do you live in fear about judgement? If yes, why?
  3. What does Jesus say about our responsibility in helping those who are in need?
  4. So many people are hurting from the economy. What can you do this week to help relieve their pain?

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