Monday, March 29, 2010

1 John 19 "God is Just and Perfect Grace"

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. ~1 John 1:9

The justice of God depends upon a transgression being made right. A price must be paid for sin and He paid it. The atonement made on the cross covers anything we have done against the Lord. Nothing is exempt. Therefore, we are only left with the responsibility to humble ourselves and confess the sins we have committed and turn away from our transgressions.

Although we may have to deal with some consequences of sin, the punishment is paid for. Redemption is undeserved and filled with the amazing grace of our Lord. Even in all our wretchedness, without any call for rightfully deserving it, He offers His grace to cover our sins with His atoning blood. What greater gift was ever given to put all things right again.

Further Thoughts:

  1. Do you ever feel like God is unfair? Why?
  2. Why are there still consequences for sin even when they have been forgiven?
  3. How have you experienced God’s amazing grace?
  4. How do we live out justice and grace in our own lives?

Father, thank You that you are just and full of grace. Without Your grace I would still be living in my wretched sin. You are truly amazing. Amen.

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