God is made known to all people and men are without excuse.
This passage is a tough one to read. It reveals the consequences of mankind's poor choices. When faced with good - glorifying and thanking God, or evil - succumbing to the temptations of darkness, most have chosen evil. After all, it's the easy way, the known way - popular, pleasurable, an escape into self-indulgence. It's no wonder that so many people choose this path.
But this way only leads to destruction.
The temporal satisfaction of our human desires will result in facing the wrath of God. It is promised. So it begs the question, "Is sin worth it?"
The rational mind, when faced with time and space to truly consider the consequences of sin, will say that sin is not worth it. The path of destruction that sin leaves paving the way to an eternal destination of separation from God is unfathomable.
But time is space is not a child of the chaos we live in. It is a haven of heaven that we must demand to have in the midst of a dark world. We must be intentional about our focus - capturing our thoughts and actions to remain in line with the Father's ways. And we must do so daily, if not multiple times a day.
The task can seem daunting, but it is doable. If we can only hang on to the truth that "greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world," we can overcome the temptations and distractions that want to rob us of the surety in which we can live and thrive.
Father, I see You. Help me, sweet Spirit, to not let the world dim my sight. May my life continually praise and glorify You and You alone. Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one. So be it.
Further Thoughts:
- What is distracting you right now? How will you diminish or even eliminate those distractions?
- How do we remain focused on the Father while navigating through the chaos?
- What habits do you need to stop and what ones do you need to begin?
- Who in your life is adding to your distractions? Who do you need to surround yourself with who will help you stay focused on what is true?
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