Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Romans 5:12-21 Sin vs Righteousness

Read Romans 12-21.

Paul repeats several times in this passage in various ways this one phrase:

"For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!" Romans 5:15

Through one man, Adam, sin and the consequence of death came to reign in man. We live with that reality daily. We see sin constantly on the news, in our workplace, in our homes, and in our own heart. You can't escape sin because all people are born with a sin nature.

HOWEVER, through one man, Jesus Christ, we have the gift of righteousness. All people have this gift. But as with any gift, you must choose to receive it -- incorporate it into your life. Righteousness is not a natural occurrence in mankind now since sin entered the world through Adam. It is lived out only through Jesus Christ. And it is a daily decision.

Are we living in the righteousness we have received or toying with the old sinful nature. Look to Jesus. I was reading Oswald Chambers last night, and he was talking about we don't need to seek salvation or sanctification. We need to seek Jesus. He is all we need.

Share Jesus with someone today. He has a gift for someone you know. His love, power, and righteousness will conquer all. We only need to receive Him.

Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ and the righteousness He brings to overcome sin and death. Give me opportunities today to share that gift of Jesus with others who need Him so desperately. So be it.

Further Thoughts:

  1. Who do you live with or work with or see every day who still needs to know about Jesus?
  2. To whom are you paying homage with your life - Adam in sin or Jesus in righteousness? 
  3. How do we remain focused on the gift of Christ?

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