Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Where Do I Go Now"

Okay, I know I haven't run out of books in the Bible to study. I'm just not sure where I am to concentrate next. Yes, 2nd and 3rd John seem like the logical next steps. But they repeat a lot of what 1 John said. I don't think that is where I'm to go. Any suggestions?

So today is a surfing day. I'm going to be reading through several passages and see where the Lord takes me. That's exciting in and of itself. I love to browse the Word once in a while and let the Spirit direct me to the Rhema for my day/week/month. Anticipation................ Join me.


  1. That's a great idea, Debbie. I do love the Paulian books. But since I did Ephesians, thought I'd go somewhere else for a while. I will definitely come back to Colossians eventually.

  2. I love Paul's writings as well - there is soooo much to "dig" out of them :-) Are you thinking Old or New Testament?

  3. Thinking maybe I'd go to the Old Testament this time.

  4. I look forward to seeing what you choose!
